[BOOK REVIEW] The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay

Title: The Sea of Tranquility

Author: Katja Millay

My Rating: 5/5 stars

My Review:

Wow. I’m a real lost for words. You know the feeling when you want to say everything but words would hide in the deepest part of your brain and are afraid to be said because it would mean ruining what was good? It feels like no words could justify how good this book is. What do I feel when I was reading this book? I felt everything that when I finished it I was spent and craving for more. I hate how beautiful things end, I am left with nothing and I feel so betrayed and I ask a thousand times how could this end? Why?

I am never good with book reviews so I am afraid to write this solely because I might be the ugly thing that would cause this book to be less perfect but hush it now.

I had cried, laughed, got angry and frustrated and all things entitled to be an emotion. And it’s rare to find a book that would make me feel everything. This book certainly did. I also really love the writing,  the word choices are brilliant, I hadn’t found any word that would set off the mood and imagery. The way the author created the suspense in narrating Nastya’s past, it was so awesome. I felt her pain and her reluctance to actually tell the story which makes it more heartbreaking. It wasn’t downright said (neither it was said in one narration) which would usually create confusion but no the author has a way with words and that’s astounding.

This book is about two people,not to mention young, who had been through the dark and still living in it. This story embarks on a love story of Josh and Sunshine (I wouldn’t call her any other :p) and how they found light in each other’s arm. I loved the slow burn romance. I wouldn’t have it in any other way! Josh and Sunshine are literally my favorite people in the book world. It was so easy to connect with them. The conversations that flowed between them were raw and real and I love it so much. I love them so much. Characters are the ones who give life to a book and I must say this book has so much life, it had no part that bore me at all. And I think that this is the best platform to say that I FUCKING LOVE DREW SO MUCH.

The author also knows how to establish the atmosphere, and as a reader that’s the most important thing for me. ( I love how the characters played with the tangency. It wasn’t awkward, it was so natural I find myself smiling). The author knows how to establish the readers mood. It’s so easy to create the story’s tone or scene’s tone but never the mood. It would vary between the readers. But I have this inkling that we all felt the same. Millay knows exactly what buttons to push. That my friends, I would associate with the author’s efficiency to deliver a story.




Josh knows how to navigate through my heart😭

On the other hand, Sunshine/Nastya is the bravest woman I know, not know know but you all know how it is. Anyway, THESE TWO DESERVE THE WORLD. I LOVE THEM BOTH.


My heart breaks every damn time, I don’t exactly know how I even managed to finish this edit. 


Talk about tears falling and hearts breaking. Oh well… you mean me?

Redemption. It was what had been engraved in my mind after reading the book. Why? Well, you have to figure it out yourself 😉Another thing folks…

You wouldn’t know what a good book is until you read this one.


Published by utopianpages

Hi! I'm Nessa, a book blogger from Philippines! (well... trying to be) I read a lot and I watch tv shows occasionally.

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